You’re driving down the highway, moving along with traffic, going about your day as usual and suddenly you drive past a police officer sitting in the median. You check your speed — 10 over. You can feel it. You’re going to get a ticket. Sure enough, the officer pulls out, puts on his lights, and pulls you over. You’ve just gotten yourself a ticket.
Don’t feel bad though, we’ve all been there, and we will all probably be there again, but sometimes, it feels like the ticket that you were written, the fine you got, or the points that you got on your license were unjust for the situation you were in. Maybe you had to go to the hospital, or you were just in a rush to get to work. Whatever the reason, you want to fight it, and lucky for you, we are your traffic lawyer, whether you’re in Burlington County, NJ, or the surrounding area.
We help people fight traffic and speeding violations all the time, and we will fight vehemently to get your charges reduced and points off your license. How do we do this? In this blog, we will cover how anyone can go through the legal process of fighting a speeding ticket in the state of New Jersey.
Plead Not Guilty
First things first, you need to plead not guilty. Pleading not guilty is your way of saying to the state that you believe you were charged unfairly, inaccurately, or unlawfully. Many municipalities have their own rules or time periods set up as to when you can or cannot file an appeal to a ticket, so make sure to read the fine print on your ticket before you attempt to plead not guilty.
The Next Steps
After pleading not guilty, there will be two more steps before you know whether or not your plea has helped your case at all. These steps are:
- Meeting with the Prosecutor
When you meet with the prosecutor, you will (generally) be able to make a deal that will amend the charge to have a reduced fine, reduction of points, or, sometimes, both.
- Appearing Before the Judge
To finalize the deal that was made between you and the prosecutor, you will have to appear before a judge for him to finalize and approve the plea deals that were settled upon by both parties.
Hire a Traffic Lawyer
Getting to a point where a judge will accept your plea deal can be difficult. Setting a deal with a prosecutor is the most critical step, and this is where a traffic lawyer in Mercer County, NJ can help.
At The Law Office of Zapicchi & Liller LLP, we help individuals fight speeding tickets and traffic violations regularly, assisting them in getting lower fines and reduced points. Ready to team up with the toughest traffic lawyers in New Jersey? Call us today at 609-318-3990.